Are you here in search of the much-talked-about Blind 75 LeetCode Questions that can potentially help you crack your interview rounds? Well, you’ve come to the right place! Originally, Blind 75 was created as a collection of LeetCode Questions, but we believe that cracking interviews requires more than just DSA skills. To truly excel, you need to become an all-rounder.
Being an all-rounder means having a strong grasp of problem-solving techniques, DSA concepts, at least intermediate knowledge of a programming language, and, most importantly, the ability to work on projects.
By following this blog, we aim to equip you with the skills needed to tackle any interview scenario with confidence. So, are you ready to embark on this exciting journey of growth and learning? Let’s get started but first, get our basics clear!
What is Blind 75?
Blind 75 is an effective practice technique designed to help you prepare for interview rounds by solving 75 LeetCode questions, ranging from easy to hard difficulty levels, within an 8-week timeframe. It provides a structured roadmap for your interview preparation journey. By following this approach, you can enhance your problem-solving skills and boost your chances of cracking those important interviews.
The idea behind Blind 75 is simple yet powerful. It involves dedicating a focused amount of time each day to solve LeetCode questions. The curated set of 75 questions ensures that you cover a wide range of problem types and difficulty levels, allowing you to strengthen your understanding of various concepts in data structures and algorithms.
Why Blind 75?
Here are some compelling reasons why Blind 75 is the go-to technique for cracking DSA interviews with ease:
- Proper Roadmap: Blind 75 provides a well-defined roadmap for your interview preparation. With a set goal of solving 75 LeetCode questions, you have a clear direction and a tangible target to work towards. This structured approach keeps you focused and motivated throughout your journey.
- Effective use of Time: Time management is crucial during interview preparation. Blind 75 instills a sense of discipline by setting time constraints for solving each question. This practice helps you develop the ability to allocate time efficiently, improving your speed and accuracy in problem-solving.
- The Habit of Problem-Solving: Blind 75 cultivates a habit of consistent problem-solving. By regularly practicing LeetCode questions, you develop a rhythm of approaching challenges, analyzing problem statements, and designing effective algorithms. This habit strengthens your problem-solving skills and enhances your ability to tackle a wide range of coding scenarios.
- Important DSA Concepts: DSA (Data Structures and Algorithms) form the foundation of technical interviews. Blind 75 ensures that you encounter a diverse set of LeetCode questions, covering various DSA concepts such as arrays, linked lists, trees, graphs, dynamic programming, and more. Through this comprehensive exposure, you solidify your understanding of key concepts, enabling you to confidently apply them in interviews.
- Interviewers love LeetCode Questions: LeetCode has gained immense popularity among interviewers as a reliable benchmark for assessing candidates’ technical abilities. By practicing Blind 75, you align your preparation with industry standards and interview expectations.
Modified Blind 75: Grind 75
Let me ask you a question: Is simply solving LeetCode questions enough to crack interview rounds? Well, we may have different opinions on this, but what we believe is that to truly excel, we need to be well-rounded. While practicing LeetCode questions is essential, we should also focus on applying our DSA knowledge by building real-world projects.
In this blog, we present a modified version of Blind 75 i.e. Grind 75. Don’t worry, the original Blind 75 LeetCode questions remain the same. However, we have added some extra resources for each week that will help you gain intermediate-level programming knowledge and provide project resources. This way, you’ll embark on an 8-week journey to truly grind and prepare for your interview rounds. Let’s dive into Week 1 and explore what it has to offer.
Week 1: The Beginner Level
As we start our Blind 75 journey, the first week may present a few challenges, especially if you’re new to problem-solving. It’s normal to feel a bit overwhelmed initially, and some questions might take longer to solve. However, it’s crucial to maintain your determination and not give up midway. Let the fire within you drive you to complete the week’s challenge.
During Week 1 of Blind 75, we will focus on solving easy beginner-level questions. This week sets the foundation for the upcoming weeks, allowing you to establish a solid understanding of fundamental concepts. These initial questions will help you build confidence in your problem-solving skills and lay the groundwork for tackling more complex challenges ahead.
If using enumerate can make your Python code more efficient, why do so many developers overlook it? Are you one of them? Python Enumerate
Remember, the goal of Week 1 is not just to solve the questions, but to develop a problem-solving mindset. Embrace the process, and don’t be discouraged if you encounter difficulties along the way. Each question you solve is a valuable learning opportunity that contributes to your growth as a developer and prepares you for the interview journey.
LeetCode Questions
# | Questions | Difficulty | Estimated Time |
1. | Two Sum | Easy | 15 mins |
2. | Valid Parentheses | Easy | 20 mins |
3. | Merge Two Sorted Lists | Easy | 20 mins |
4. | Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock | Easy | 20 mins |
5. | Valid Palindrome | Easy | 15 mins |
6. | Invert Binary Tree | Easy | 15 mins |
7. | Valid Anagram | Easy | 15 mins |
8. | Binary Search | Easy | 15 mins |
9. | Flood Fill | Easy | 20 mins |
10. | Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Search Tree | Easy | 20 mins |
11. | Balanced Binary Tree | Easy | 15 mins |
12. | Linked List Cycle | Easy | 20 mins |
13. | Implement Queue using Stacks | Easy | 20 mins |
Programming Knowledge
In the next phase of Blind 75, we’ll learn a programming language at an intermediate level. This skill will boost your problem-solving abilities. Choose a language that suits your goals and explore online tutorials, textbooks, and interactive coding platforms. Practice, seek guidance from online communities, and build real-world projects.
- Python
- Golang
Additionally, explore web scraping in Python, which involves extracting data from websites programmatically.
Week 2: Transition from Easy to Medium
Congratulations on completing Week 1 of the Blind 75 challenge! As we enter Week 2, we’ll continue solving LeetCode questions and gradually transition to medium-level problems.
LeetCode Questions
# | Question | Difficulty | Estimated Time |
1. | First Bad Version | Easy | 20 mins |
2. | Ransom Note | Easy | 15 mins |
3. | Climbing Stairs | Easy | 20 mins |
4. | Longest Palindrome | Easy | 20 mins |
5. | Reverse Linked List | Easy | 20 mins |
6. | Majority Element | Easy | 20 mins |
7. | Add Binary | Easy | 15 mins |
8. | Diameter of Binary Tree | Easy | 30 mins |
9. | Middle of the Linked List | Easy | 20 mins |
10. | Maximum Depth of Binary Tree | Easy | 15 mins |
11. | Contains Duplicate | Easy | 15 mins |
12. | Maximum Subarray | Medium | 20 mins |
Programming Knowledge
- Python
- Golang
Additionally, explore how to save web scraping data to CSV files in Python, which involves extracting data from websites programmatically and saving it to a CSV file.
Week 3: Medium-level Questions
Welcome back! It’s great to have you here as we continue our Blind 75 journey. Congratulations on reaching Week 3! This week, we’ll be diving into medium-level questions. Remember, even if you encounter some roadblocks along the way, don’t lose hope. Take a moment to seek out solutions and strive to understand the underlying concepts. With that said, let’s get started on this week’s challenges.
LeetCode Questions
# | Question | Difficulty | Estimated Time |
1 | Insert Interval | Medium | 25 mins |
2 | 01 Matrix | Medium | 30 mins |
3 | K Closest Points to Origin | Medium | 30 mins |
4 | Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters | Medium | 30 mins |
5 | 3Sum (3Sum Leetcode Solution) | Medium | 30 mins |
6 | Binary Tree Level Order Traversal | Medium | 20 mins |
7 | Clone Graph | Medium | 25 mins |
8 | Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation | Medium | 30 mins |
Programming Knowledge
- Python
- Golang
Now, you can into the world of OpenCV in Python and explore the possibilities of creating exciting mini-projects like:
Week 4: Medium Conqueror
Week 4 of the Blind 75 journey is here, and we can’t believe how quickly time has flown by. It’s an exciting milestone to reach, but we mustn’t let satisfaction settle in just yet. There’s still so much to learn and conquer, so let’s dive right back into it.
LeetCode Questions
# | Questions | Difficulty | Estimated Time |
1. | Course Schedule | Medium | 30 mins |
2. | Implement Trie (Prefix Tree) | Medium | 35 mins |
3. | Coin Change | Medium | 25 mins |
4. | Product of Array Except Self | Medium | 30 mins |
5. | Min Stack | Medium | 20 mins |
6. | Validate Binary Search Tree | Medium | 20 mins |
7. | Number of Islands | Medium | 25 mins |
8. | Rotting Oranges | Medium | 30 mins |
Programming Knowledge
- Python
- Golang
Now that we’ve explored a wide range of concepts, it’s time to shift our focus toward learning and utilizing some essential libraries to create projects.
Now that you have acquired a solid understanding of the fundamentals of Golang, let’s dive into real-world applications where Golang is effectively implemented.
Week 5: Halfway
We’re halfway through our Blind 75 journey, feeling empowered with knowledge. Let’s keep the momentum going and dive into Week 5. Get ready for new challenges and continued growth.
LeetCode Questions
# | Questions | Difficulty | Estimated Time |
1. | Search in Rotated Sorted Array | Medium | 30 mins |
2. | Combination Sum | Medium | 30 mins |
3. | Permutations | Medium | 30 mins |
4. | Merge Intervals | Medium | 30 mins |
5. | Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree | Medium | 25 mins |
6. | Time-Based Key-Value Store | Medium | 35 mins |
7. | Accounts Merge | Medium | 30 mins |
8. | Sort Colors | Medium | 25 mins |
Programming Knowledge
- Python
- Redis
- C/C++
Week 6: Eat, Sleep, Code, Repeat!
Week 6 of your Blind 75 journey is here, and by now, the routine of “eat, sleep, code, repeat” has become ingrained in you. We understand that this process may seem challenging at times, but keep pushing forward because the rewards are worth it. Let’s dive into what this week has in store for you.
LeetCode Questions
# | Questions | Difficulty | Estimated Time |
1. | Word Break | Medium | 30 mins |
2. | Partition Equal Subset Sum | Medium | 30 mins |
3. | String to Integer (atoi) | Medium | 25 mins |
4. | Spiral Matrix | Medium | 25 mins |
5. | Subsets | Medium | 30 mins |
6. | Binary Tree Right Side View | Medium | 20 mins |
7. | Longest Palindromic Substring | Medium | 25 mins |
8. | Unique Paths | Medium | 20 mins |
9. | Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Inorder Traversal | Medium | 25 mins |
Programming Knowledge
- Python
- C/C++
- Golang
Week 7: 50+ LeetCode Questions
Congratulations on completing over 50 questions in the past six weeks! We applaud your dedication and consistency. However, our journey doesn’t end here. It’s time to gear up and continue our progress. So, without further ado, let’s dive back into the exciting world of Blind 75!
LeetCode Questions
# | Question | Difficulty | Estimated Time |
1. | Container With Most Water | Medium | 35 mins |
2. | Letter Combinations of a Phone Number | Medium | 30 mins |
3. | Word Search | Medium | 30 mins |
4. | Find All Anagrams in a String | Medium | 30 mins |
5. | Minimum Height Trees | Medium | 30 mins |
6. | Task Scheduler | Medium | 35 mins |
7. | LRU Cache | Medium | 30 mins |
Programming Knowledge
Now is the perfect moment to embark on a small project and put our programming skills to the test. Let’s dive into the exciting world of game development by creating a classic Snake game using C++.
Week 8: Blind 75 Grand Finale
Welcome to the final week of the Blind 75 journey! As we reach this milestone, we’re excited to present you with a set of challenging questions that will put your problem-solving skills to the test. Brace yourself, because this week’s lineup is designed to push your limits and help you level up your DSA game.
In Week 8, we carefully curated a collection of hard LeetCode questions that will require you to think critically and dive deep into complex algorithms. These questions are designed to challenge your understanding of data structures, algorithms, and their applications in real-world scenarios. While they may seem daunting at first, remember that every question you solve is an opportunity for growth and learning.
LeetCode Questions
# | Questions | Difficulty | Estimated Time |
1. | Kth Smallest Element in a BST | Medium | 25 mins |
2. | Minimum Window Substring | Hard | 30 mins |
3. | Serialize and Deserialize Binary Tree | Hard | 40 mins |
4. | Trapping Rain Water | Hard | 35 mins |
5. | Find Median from Data Stream | Hard | 30 mins |
6. | Word Ladder | Hard | 45 mins |
7. | Basic Calculator | Hard | 40 mins |
8. | Maximum Profit in Job Scheduling | Hard | 45 mins |
9. | Merge k Sorted Lists | Hard | 30 mins |
10. | Largest Rectangle in Histogram | Hard | 35 mins |
Wrapping Up
Congratulations on completing Blind 75! How are you feeling? We hope you’re filled with a sense of accomplishment and confidence in your DSA interview preparation. The journey of solving 75 LeetCode questions has sharpened your problem-solving skills and strengthened your algorithmic thinking.
DSA knowledge is a valuable asset in the tech industry, extending beyond interview success. It equips you with the ability to approach complex problems, design efficient algorithms, and create innovative solutions. Keep challenging yourself, stay updated, and continue learning.
Remember, success in technical interviews goes beyond question-solving. Practice explaining solutions, enhance your communication skills and engage with the coding community. Leverage available resources and contribute your insights.
Blind 75 is just the beginning. Keep pushing your boundaries, believe in your abilities, and crack DSA interviews with ease. We’re here to support you on this journey. Happy coding!
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Blind 75 is a practice technique that involves solving 75 LeetCode coding questions from easy to hard difficulty levels. It is designed to help individuals improve their problem-solving skills and master Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA) concepts for interview preparation.
Yes, Blind 75 LeetCode is suitable for individuals at various skill levels, including beginners. It provides a progressive approach, starting with easier questions and gradually advancing to more challenging ones. The practice and learning gained through Blind 75 can greatly benefit beginners in developing a strong foundation in DSA.
Absolutely! While Blind 75 is primarily geared toward interview preparation, the acquired DSA knowledge can be applied to real-world scenarios as well. It is beneficial for building practical problem-solving skills, developing applications, solving industry-specific challenges, and working on personal coding projects.